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Thursday, November 28, 2024

Gladiolus MM 15-104

Seed parent: MM 11-21a (G. gracilis x priorii) X unknown
Pollen parent: MM 11-21d (G. gracilis x priorii) X unknown

I crossed a couple of very spotted/streaky hybrids, and they reverted to a fairly standard pink.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Gladiolus MM 20-372

Seed parent: MM 15-38b (G. violaceo-lineatus X (gracilis x priorii)
Pollen parent: Unknown (tag mislabeled)

The pollen parent tag said MM 11-24f, but that's a Moraea hybrid, so I screwed up somewhere.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Moraea MM 21-179

Seed parent: MM 18-91a (M. bellendenii x aristata) X ((atropunctata x calcicola) x (villosa x tulbeghensis)
Pollen parent: MM 16-85a (aristata x gigandra) X (villosa x tulbaghensis)

Moraea MM 21-120

Seed parent: MM 18-91a (M. bellendenii x aristata) X ((atropunctata x calcicola) x (villosa x tulbaghensis))
Pollen parent: Moraea villosa form d

Moraea MM 20-312

Seed parent: MM 17-76a ((M. aristata x villosa) x bellendenii) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: Moraea aristata

MM 20-312a

Moraea MM 20-266

Seed parent: MM 17-26e (M. lurida x villosa) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: MM 17-23f (bellendenii x aristata) X ((atropunctata x neopavonia) x villosa)

MM 20-266a

Moraea MM 20-247

Seed parent: MM 17-26 (M. lurida x villosa) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: MM 12-120a (gigandra X villosa)

Hmmmm. I don't see much of the pollen parent in this flower.

MM 20-247a

Moraea MM 20-246

Seed parent: MM 17-26a (M. lurida x villosa) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: Moraea elegans

It was a nice try, but there is absolutely no sign of M. elegans characteristics in these flowers.

MM 20-246a

MM 20-246b

MM 20-246c

Moraea MM 20-239

Seed parent: MM 17-23f (M. bellendenii x aristata) X ((atropunctata x neopavonia) x villosa)
Pollen parent: MM 14-53a (bellendenii X lurida)

MM 20-239a

MM 20-239b

MM 20-239c

Here's a sibling:

Moraea MM 20-238

Seed parent: MM 17-19b (M. lurida x (aristata x villosa)) X (tripetala x villosa)
Pollen parent: MM 13-197e (lurida X villosa)

Here's a family portrait:

MM 20-238a

MM 20-238b

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Moraea MM 20-211

Seed parent: MM 17-127d ((M. aristata x villosa) x bellendenii) X ((neopavonia x villosa) x villosa form d)
Pollen parent: MM 17-131 ((aristata x villosa) x bellendenii) X unknown

MM 20-211a


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Gladiolus MM 20-71

Seed parent: MM 11-36 (G. tristis X carneus)
Pollen parent: G. bonaspei

This is a cross between a pink hybrid and a red-yellow species, so I sincerely doubt that this white flower is their offspring. It's probably seeds from another nearby cross.

Moraea MM 20-63

Seed parent: MM 17-26a (M. lurida x villosa) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: MM 17-63c (atropunctata x (atropunctata x calcicola) X (atropunctata x (atropunctata x calcicola)

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Moraea MM 20-33

Seed parent: MM 13-197e (M. lurida x villosa)
Pollen parent: MM 17-23c (M. bellendenii x aristata) X ((atropunctata x neopavonia) x villosa)

Moraea MM 20-22

Seed parent: MM 17-19e (M. lurida x (aristata x villosa)) X (tripetala x villosa)
Pollen parent: MM 13-149f  ((atropunctata x neopavonia) x gigandra) X (villosa x tulbaghensis)

MM 20-22a. Wow, the intensely dark inner tepals really stand out.

A sibling...

Moraea MM 20-21

Seed parent: MM 17-26 (M. lurida x villosa) X (lurida x (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: MM 13-07f (villosa selection)

Moraea MM 20-10

Seed parent: MM 17-19 (M. lurida x (aristata x villosa)) X (tripetala x villosa d)
Pollen parent: GK 1610b (villosa selection)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Moraea MM 18-186

Seed parent: MM 13-197 (M. lurida X villosa)
Pollen parent: MM 13-77c (villosa x tulbaghensis) X (villosa tulbaghensis)

MM 18-186a

MM 18-186b. This is a fascinating flower, with its two-tone tepals, veins, and contrasting inner and outer tepals. If I could get these color patterns with more vivid colors, I think it'd be a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Moraea MM 18-178

Seed parent: MM 13-195 (M. lurida X (aristata x villosa))
Pollen parent: MM 13-69d (tulbaghensis X villosa)

MM 18-178a. What an odd flower! It looks reddish in these photos, but in person it also has brown overtones. I like the two-tone eyes and the colored tips on the style crests.

MM 18-178b

Moraea MM 18-176

Seed parent: MM 13-01 (M. villosa form F X (neopavonia x villosa))
Pollen parent: M. neopavonia 'Summerfield'

Moraea MM 18-164

Seed parent: MM 13-196 (M. tripetala X bellendenii)
Pollen parent: MM 14-146d (villosa x tulbaghensis) X villosa

MM 18-164a. Hmmmm, this looks a lot like species M. bellendenii.

Moraea MM 18-125

Seed parent: MM 12-155a (Moraea 'Zoe' X neopavonia)
Pollen parent: MM 13-94c (tulbaghensis x villosa)

Here's a family view:

Moraea MM 18-63

Seed parent: MM 13-138 (M. bellendenii X aristata)
Pollen parent:  MM 13-138 (M. bellendenii X aristata)

This flower is unusual because the eye is orange, but I was hoping for a yellow flower with the brilliant blue eye of M. aristata.

MM 18-63a