Saturday, May 14, 2016

Moraea collina

This is a very reliable bulb in the San Jose area. It survives neglect, blooms most years, and sets seeds readily. Although it will spread from pot to pot, and survives in the ground, it doesn't appear to be invasive in the ground.

I've grown this species for about two decades. I probably obtained it from the late, lamented Robinett Bulb Farm.


  1. Are you aware this is on the federal noxious weeds list? A few other Moraea species are, too.

  2. Yes, I know. The species is banned from interstate commerce in the US, but is not banned within California. It was not yet on the US list when I obtained it.

    The listed Moraeas are all former Homeria species that caused problems in Australia. Many South African species seem to spread much more easily in Australia than they do in California. I'm not sure why, but I suspect it has something to do with California's large population of gophers, rats, and other bulb-digging rodents. It's not unusual for a pot of Moraea corms to be cleaned out by rodents if it's not protected by chicken wire under the soil.

    It's important to be careful with any non-native plants, but I'm not growing this one next to wild land, and besides it doesn't spread here.



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